HMMM, Today is quickly shaping up to be one of the worst days of my life. BTW- it's tradition to write my blog in my favorite color (pink) unless I am feeling depressed or angry. Today I am both. Why you ask? Well,
1. My lover is "frustrated" with me. He never gets "mad". We ended up having a "debate" this am. I have an anger management issue and lets just say things got ugly.
2. I have been sick for the last month. I can't seem to completely kick the "stomach virus" the er diagnosed me with 3 weeks ago. What fun!
3. I actually did some number crunching and my "friends" are costing me upwards of a grand a month. So, I have begun the cycle of cutting them off. One friend was told to "back off" by MM. He has done nothing but text and call me. I am insulted at this total disrespect for MM and myself. When MM speaks - that is the way it is whether I agree or not. (I fully agree in this case.)
4. Richard has once again "manipulated" me. He currently has my car and will not respond to my queries about when the vehicle will be returned. NIce huh?
5.Yahoo has just deleted my 360 page which had my popular blog on it. (One of the reasons I am also doing this blog) Those fucks have no clue what the 5th amendment means. I guess the Yahoo tos outranks the american constitution!
Of course I dont have much of it backed up. When will I learn? They do this shit about every 4-6 months. Wonder if Blogger plays the same "game"????
Well, one good thing did come of the deletion of my 360 blog - MM called me and we made up. Thanks Yahoo - fuck my thoughts, feelings and hard work off into cyberspace with the simple click of a button cuz today you assholes brought me and my MM back together and losing the blog is a small price to pay!!!!!!!
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